O. M. G.

yeah, so, typically? I'm not one to break promises. but a "few days" (a.k.a. a "short hiatus") turned into a few months, and here we are, my dear (nonexistent?) readers.

well, for your FYI (a favorite saying of mine), I'm back, and I would LOVE to claim even 60 seconds of your daily routine.

that said, I think I'm gonna change things up a bit around here. the daily theme posts? a thing of the past. yeah, I'd rather follow the desires of my heart (and feet) in deciding what to post.

and with that, my heart leads me here, courtesy of jeffrey campbell:

I mean, if this doesn't make up for a 3-month absence, I'm not sure what does (click on the photo to make it bigger). particularly loving the black-and-white gingham sandals near the center, the strappy black boots (second row, first column) and the taupe clog sandals (last row, second column from last).


welcome back, readers. I heart.

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